Justamente agora em que estamos prestes a completar dois anos com o Buldozer, descobrimos que temos inimigos declarados: a International Bulldozer Blockade :
Esses porras se propõem a dar, através do site, apoio logístico a todos aqueles que se disponham a barrar intervenções urbanas no melhor estilo bulldozer, ou seja, aquelas sem consulta à comunidade, destruindo tudo que se vê pela frente e mandando bala geral. Temos que combater a ação desse povo, senão daqui a pouco a gente só vai poder implantar projetos com a anuência da população, olha que absurdo, coisa mais sem lógica. Claro, antes de partir para a guerra de verdade, estou tentando um contato diplomático, através de um subterfúgio. Eis o e-mail que mandei para a dona do site:
Dear Ms. Clayton;
My name is Leonardo DePaula. I’m a representative of the Bulldozer Corporation ( Corporação Bulldozer, in our native language), a Brazilian corporation that has, for 35 years, fully dedicated to the development of our country. We are specialized in great interventions on the territory, and to develop energy resources to our country. These are some links to our realizations here: - This is the site of Itaipu, the biggest world’s hydroelectric usine, concept and design by Bulldozer Corporation. - This is the site of Eletronuclear, manager of Angra dos Reis Usine, first nuclear usine of energy in Brazil, designed and built by Bulldozer Corporation.
Now we’re working in a new project that will be the most important one, able to provide energy to most part of South America for centuries: the built of a hydroelectric usine at the Amazon River. We’re having some trouble with groups of citizen fighting against our work now, and that’s the reason of this communication. We need help to deal with this people. We don’t want to fight them, but to talk to them, to dialogue. Since we’re not used to contact this kind of associations, but only the government, we need some help in order to avoid mistakes in deal with people. We count on your help.
Leonardo DePaula
C.E.O. Bulldozer Corp.
Não estou com saco para traduzir tudo, mas tipo, esse e-mail está dizendo que eu e o Reinaldo, depois de termos projetado Itaipu e a usina de Angra dos Reis, estamos tendo problemas com ativistas que se opõem ao nosso projeto de represar o Rio Amazonas. Por fim pedimos ajuda à organização Bulldozer Blockade para fazer relações públicas com os manifestantes.
Dear Ms. Clayton;
My name is Leonardo DePaula. I’m a representative of the Bulldozer Corporation ( Corporação Bulldozer, in our native language), a Brazilian corporation that has, for 35 years, fully dedicated to the development of our country. We are specialized in great interventions on the territory, and to develop energy resources to our country. These are some links to our realizations here: - This is the site of Itaipu, the biggest world’s hydroelectric usine, concept and design by Bulldozer Corporation. - This is the site of Eletronuclear, manager of Angra dos Reis Usine, first nuclear usine of energy in Brazil, designed and built by Bulldozer Corporation.
Now we’re working in a new project that will be the most important one, able to provide energy to most part of South America for centuries: the built of a hydroelectric usine at the Amazon River. We’re having some trouble with groups of citizen fighting against our work now, and that’s the reason of this communication. We need help to deal with this people. We don’t want to fight them, but to talk to them, to dialogue. Since we’re not used to contact this kind of associations, but only the government, we need some help in order to avoid mistakes in deal with people. We count on your help.
Leonardo DePaula
C.E.O. Bulldozer Corp.
Não estou com saco para traduzir tudo, mas tipo, esse e-mail está dizendo que eu e o Reinaldo, depois de termos projetado Itaipu e a usina de Angra dos Reis, estamos tendo problemas com ativistas que se opõem ao nosso projeto de represar o Rio Amazonas. Por fim pedimos ajuda à organização Bulldozer Blockade para fazer relações públicas com os manifestantes.
Vamos ver quantos neurônios tem essa gente. Antes que venham me encher o saco, eu sei que qualquer criança é capaz de sacar que isso é trote. Mas vejamos eles.